How to Change Your Address When You Move | Long Distance USA Movers

How to Change Your Address When You Move Quickly and Efficiently

Around 31 million people move each year in America. Can you imagine how difficult it would be for each of them to continue their normal life without a fast change of info about their whereabouts? Therefore knowing how to change your address when you move is one of the most important things to do when cross country moving.

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There are a lot of government institutions to inform so start on time

If you wish to move with ease, you will have to think about many things, and where to change address when you move is just one of the tasks. But if you do this on time, you will make your life much easier later on. And even though many things will be on your checklist for relocating out of the state, you shouldn’t skip any step, no matter how dreadful and meaningless they may seem.

How Can I Change My Address Fast and Easy When Long-Distance Moving

Life has never been faster and filled with information than nowadays. You will be surprised to learn where we leave our personal information. From Netflix subscriptions to Tax advisors, we leave prints wherever we need any kind of service. And if we wish to continue to receive those services, we will have to keep updating the info as our whereabouts change. But luckily, we can easily switch them when it suits us. Because more often than not, it can all be done online.

First Inform Your Long Distance Movers

No matter what your reasons for moving are. Whether you’re relocating alone or with your family, cross-country moving is nearly impossible without hiring cross-country movers. And using their long-distance moving services. And guess what? The long distance movers will be the first ones you should inform about the new location. Because they will need to know where to ship your car and other belongings.

However, there are cases when people don’t find a new place to live but have to leave the old one. If this is the case with your move, the most reputable long-distance moving company will give you free storage units for a whole month as part of their cross-country moving services. This way you’ll have a place to keep your belongings until you find a new home. When you do, make sure you inform them about your whereabouts so that they can deliver your items.

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Inform Insurance Companies On Behalf of Your Whole Family

As you may know, there are tons of insurance companies you must inform about a move. Some should be informed during the relocation process, like when preparing your home for sale. At the same time, other entities must be informed as soon as you relocate to a new state, like a car insurance company. This is important because policies are not the same in every state.

Premiums can be higher if you are relocating from a small town to a big city such as New York, or lower if you’re relocating to Austin, Texas. Either way, it is illegal to use car coverage that is not from that state. So no matter if you are relocating to Seattle or to some suburban parts of Los Angeles, you will have to pick another car coverage.

Also, if you have life insurance, you should inform them as well. And don’t forget to do that on behalf of every member of your family that is relocating with you.

Figure Out How to Switch Health Insurance

Let’s talk about your health if you’re relocating for a job. Your employer will probably have an insurance plan in place for you. But what if you are relocating with kids? Will they be covered automatically, or do you have to file some paperwork first? Well, this is something you must ask your employer before you move.

The answer will depend on the medical coverage your employer has. But bear in mind that changing medical coverage when you move also has a deadline, so make sure not to miss out on your opening window. And don’t worry, everything can be done easily online through the Marketplace website.

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The good thing about long distance moving is that you can switch your medical care program to a better one.

How to Change Your Address When You Move – Which Government Services to Inform

Well, the simple answer is – all of them. And the good thing is that the process is super easy and doable online for most of them. On the other hand, you will need to visit the DMV at one point, so make the most of that visit and do everything you can that one day. In most states, you have 30 days to update your new postal number to DMV. The following documents you will have to switch:

  • Drivers license
  • Vehicle registration
  • Voters registration
  • Passport

You can find most of the forms online on your state’s DMV website. Fill them out before you head off, so make sure you book an appointment and have all paperwork ready. This will save you a tremendous amount of time.

Update Your Social Security Profile

No matter if you are relocating to Los Angeles or to some midwest city, you’re entitled to keep receiving Medicare or other benefits once you relocate. But if you wish for the social help to keep coming, you will have to bring up to date the Social Security Profile you have on their website. And if you don’t have an account now, it is a great moment to make one. Also, if you wonder what to do when changing address and how to do it, know that the whole process is super easy. Almost like opening a Facebook account.

Inform the IRS About House Address Switch

The only thing you can not avoid in life is death and taxes, but in this case, you will need to contact the IRS and inform them about your location switch. Do not hesitate to do this as soon as you arrive. Who knows, maybe you will get some tax reliefs. For example, if you are relocating to Huston, you will certainly do so, since Texas doesn’t have personal income taxes.

And aside from the fact that avoiding taxes is illegal, you may end up without a check the government has sent you if you don’t update your postal number. The whole updating process is fast. All you have to do is to fill out the 8822 form.

Ensure You Will Get Letters Delivered to Your New Home as Soon as You Arrive

Last but not least, one of the entities you must notify about your relocation is the US postal office. And if you wonder what is the best way to notify them of an address change or when should I change my address when moving? The answer will be through the Postal office one week before your cross-country moving company sets foot on your doorstep. One of the most common relocation mistakes people make is that they don’t bring up to date their new house number at USPS.

So to avoid any future conundrums with mail returning, do this one week before the move. And if you wonder where to change your address when you move, the answer is on the internet. Just fill out this form, and your mail will be forwarded to your location for the next 12 months.

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A lot of government websites are digitized so you will not have to deal with a paperwork

When Should You Change Your Address When Moving? Inform Utilities Providers Week in Advance

You need to cancel or transfer your utilities before your relocation day but not cancel them too soon. So you don’t end up without electricity or gas on your relocation day. You would need lights and heath especially if you hired long-distance movers for their excellent packing service.

Keep in mind that most of the utility providers work in one state, but some have branches in other states. So ensure you contact them and ask them about your options. Here are utilities you must think about:

  • Electricity
  • Gas
  • Water
  • Sewage
  • Garbage
  • Home security
  • Cable and Internet
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If you hired movers for packing service then turn off the electricity the day after your move

Apps Are One of the Places Where You Have to Change Your Address When You Move

That is right, and you need to bring up to date your apps as well. For example, your car navigation will have your old house as a final destination, so don’t forget to update it, especially on your relocation day. Also, you will have to update your Uber and Lift info as well as any delivery apps you have. Additionally, if you have other smart home apps, bring them up to date too.

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Don't forget about other apps you have

Don’t Forget About Your Financial Institutions

Even if you are relocating at the last minute, do not forget to inform your financial institutions about the move. Inform your credit card company, bank, pension fund, and any other financial institutions you are cooperating with. If they are not updated, they will keep sending you notifications and mail to your old house.

You will be at risk of identity theft because the most common way to steal someone’s personal pieces of information is through mail they receive. The whole process can be done online with a couple of clicks. So don’t procrastinate, switch it as soon as you are at your destination. You will save yourself a lot of trouble. Here are some institutions you must not miss out on:

  • Lenders
  • Investments
  • Tax preparation services
Man holding a credit card after long-distance moving  overlay
When you figure out how to update address switch the info on your credit card as well

Make a List of Subscription Services And  Inform Them as Well

You probably have tons of subscription services on the phone. Sit down one day and create a list of all the services you use, and intend to keep using. Go through the list and update them all on the same day, so you don’t forget something. You don’t want something you bought on Amazon to end up in your old home. Here are services to think about:

  • Amazon Prime
  • Netflix,
  • HBO Max
  • Hulu
  • HelloFresh
  • Dollar Shave Club
  • Blue Apron
  • BarkBox

Also, if you are subscribed to any book club, beauty product shop, or anything else, ensure to do all the changes on time.

Cancel or Transfer Memberships

If you are monthly subscribed to a gym or some class you are taking, see if your city of choice has that same company. If they have, you will have to ask them how do you change your mailing address when you move.

On the other hand, if they don’t operate in your state of choice, you must not forget to cancel them. You will be surprised how many people end up paying ten dollars a month for a gym membership they long stopped using. Check this video for more information:

One Circular E-mail for Friends, Family, and Others

So if you wish just simply to inform your friends and family about your current location, the fastest way is to write one circular mail to all of them. Put some pictures and all the info you wish to share with them. You can also create invitation cards so they can come and visit you.

And even though you probably have informed them about the location, on a farewell party or some other way. There is a big chance they forgot your exact postal code number, so it is good to have remained on their emails all the time in case they decide to visit and surprise you.

Bonus tip, if you are relocating with dogs, ensure to inform your vet as well. He can maybe give you some recommendations about a new vet. Also, don’t forget to inform your and your family doctor as well.

Check All The Places And Make Sure You Are Ready to Move

Well, that’s it. Those are some of the most important institutions that need to know about your location change. Don’t miss out on informing them all about your new whereabouts. And since most of them are available online, you can do all of this in a matter of hours. Then all that is left is to enjoy the move and an adventure ahead.

Daisy Wilson

Daisy was born in Salt Lake City and in her free time, she writes about moving and watches Charmed.

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