How to Move Out for the First Time - Best Tips and Advice

How to Move Out for the First Time – Best Tips and Advice

On average, every American moves 12 times in their life. For everyone, sooner or later comes a time when they have to figure out how to move out for the first time. And yes, leaving the nest is gonna be a hard but yet exciting experience, and if you follow our tips, this whole process will go smoothly and without additional stress.

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You are opening an exciting chapter on your life, embrace it

No matter if you have already left the nest and moved to a college dorm at some point, you will have to take a step forward and live on your own. And who knows, maybe you will even need tips for moving out for the first time. Either way, the process is similar, and anxiety about moving to another state will be the same as when relocating within the same city. There are a lot of things you will have to manage alone, but in the end, it will all pay off once you set foot in your place.

Make First Time Moving Out Checklist

All ultimate relocation guides will say the same – you must create a checklist for relocating to a new state. Because as we mentioned earlier, with so many things going on, it is easy to forget to do some things, and with a list in front of you to remind you what needs to be done, you will not forget anything. Here is what your ultimate checklist must have:

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Calculate Your Finances

Once you have made your relocation binder with all the lists of what you must do, it will be easier to create moving for the first time budget. All you have to do is follow the list and write down approximately how much cash you will require. And you can easily find most of the prices online, like how much your cross country moving company will cost. But some things you will have to calculate more thoroughly. Your future life expenditures, for example. It would be really good to save some cash on the side for rainy days before you move out.

How Much Money Should You Have Saved Before Moving Out? Make Smart Budget

How do I prepare myself to move out for the first time? Well, with some savings on the side, you won’t have to worry. But how to determine how much cash you require and when to start saving? Start saving cash as soon as you decide to relocate, preferably a couple of months in advance. The best would be if you could save for three months of life expenditures. This way you will leave yourself some space to find a job in a new city. So how do you calculate expenditures? The simple formula should be like this: one-third is rent, one-third is food and bills, and the rest should be other expenses.

But you can be even more precise than that. Once you decide where you will move, go online and visit Numbeo. This website contains the costs of living for virtually every city in the world.  So just type in your city of choice, and you will get an average rent, utilities, and groceries cost. Maybe it will not be as precise as the actual living experience there, but it’s your best option to navigate needed savings.

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Calculate your expenditures carefully

Find a Better Paying Job

One of the benefits of relocating is that you get to start over. Finding a new job should definitely end up on your relocating for the first time checklist, especially if you calculate that your current job is not enough to get you through the month. So, start applying for jobs before you move. There are tons of online platforms for job scouting you can sign up for. And don’t be picky. When searching for a job, all offers that will get you through the month are good offers. After all, once you relocate and adjust to a new town, you can easily switch jobs.

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Any job is better than no job at all

Lower Your Expectation When Home Hunting

No matter if you are getting an apartment out of state or in your hometown, you should lower your expectations. As you know, good tenant credit is one of the requirements you will have to rent an apartment. It will also be the one thing you don’t have. And since you don’t have any tenant history, landlords will be cautious when renting, which means your rent might be higher than average. That will hugely impact your apartment choices as well. There is even a chance you will have to bring someone with good tenant credit to vouch for you. But don’t worry, six months is usually enough to get some scores and start searching for a better place to live.

If You’re Okay With It, Consider Getting a Roommate

On the other hand, if you’re not keen to cohabitate in a crowded place, you can always find a roommate, preferably someone who has a tenant history. With a roommate, you will pay for rent easier, and naturally, you will be able to rent a bigger and better place. The only downside is that you will cohabitate with a stranger. Luckily, there are websites where you can find roommates. You can see their profiles and decide based on that. Having someone to cohabitate with doesn’t have to be a bad thing. A roommate can help you adjust to the city, show you around and introduce you to their friends. And with a company, you will overcome relocation depression much faster.

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Living with a roommate can be fun

How to Move Out for the First Time – Book Your Movers

If you followed a moving out for the first time checklist and have done all that we listed above, next comes the easier part – going online and searching for long-distance movers near me. The first cross-country moving is hardly imaginable without professional help. So when searching for a long-distance moving company, find the one that can provide you with all the cross-country moving services you require, from car shipping to storage units. This way, you will not have to worry about looking for different companies to deal with different parts of your relocation process.

Pack Smart and Declutter Before Your Movers Arrive

Even if you’re relocating at the last minute, you should do some downsizing for a move. There is no need to bring all of your belongings. But you will still require some items from your parent’s home. For example, if your desk is in good condition, pack it and take it with you, but if your bed is old and worn out, you shouldn’t bother with it. Pack only items you know you will require and that are in good condition. You can also ask your parents to help you out.

Pack a Bag of Belongings You Will Need in the First 24 Hours

As you know, once your long-distance movers load everything on a truck, there will be some period until you see your belongings again. That is why you have to pack a bag of relocation essentials. Make sure to pack clothes, bedding, shoes, and hygiene products in there, like you’re going on a short vacation. Don’t forget to pack your documents, laptop, and chargers as well. Here you should put all the belongings you will require to function normally until your belongings arrive. So pack smart and don’t forget something important like a couple of dishes or toilet paper.

Shop for Apartment Basics

Probably the best part of cross country moving is making a new apartment shopping list. But even though it’s an exciting thing to do, purchasing first apartment essentials can be quite detrimental to your budget. So be smart when heading to the store. As we mentioned, you can take some items from your parents’ home, and if this is an option, you’re in luck. Ask your parents to give you the belongings you require.

For example, if there is a sofa (in a good condition) your parents want to give you, take it, or pack pots and pans nobody is using. That will save you a ton of money. Also, before the relocation, you might consider purchasing essentials, such as cleaning supplies, plates, mugs, and spoons. But our tip is not to buy anything big until you relocate. Don’t rush in by buying a big flat TV. Wait at least one month, make a list of items you require, and then prioritize those you need the most. Check this video for more tips on what to buy for your first place.

Create a Schedule of Chores

Now that you’re all settled in, you will have to learn how to live on your own. Independence is great, but it comes with a lot of responsibilities. So to make the transition successful, you will have to discipline yourself. First, you’ve to make your monthly budget and stick to it. Put aside the money for rent and bills and never touch it. The rest should be spent on food, fun or anything else you want.

If you want to save some money, the best way is to cook for yourself and have as few lunches outside as possible. But even if sound money management is a huge part of adult life, there is other stuff you will have to learn to manage. Yes, we talk about chores. Nobody likes them, but now that you live alone, nobody will do them for you either.

Create a chore schedule. For example, you can do laundry on Saturday morning and clean on Sunday. Dusting and windows you can do once a month. While dishes and kitchen chores should be done on a daily basis, the best is in the evening before you go to bed. Create a schedule to fit your free hours the best possible way, and if you stick to it, this will become routine you will hardly ever think about.

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Nobody will come and magically clean your place - it's all up to you

Things to Know When Moving Out – Get Your Adult Paperwork in Order

If you wonder at what age should you move out, the answer is “as soon as you are capable of living on your own.” If you find a job after high school, then this can be the right moment for you. But as you know, renting an apartment as a minor is not possible since minors can’t make legally binding contracts. But a contract with your landlord is not only paperwork you will have to get in order. Relocating to another state means you will have to change your address, license plates, and car insurance. So as soon as your cross country movers are done unloading your car, make sure to go to the DMV and update all the pieces of information.

You Will Need New Health Insurance

Long-distance moving also means you will have to find different health insurance. Luckily the law identifies relocation to another state as a qualifying event for insurance change. Bear in mind that you will have a deadline for this too. So as soon as you relocate, ask your employer about medical insurance they have. If you are relocating for studying purposes, you can use family insurance.

As you can see, many things will be on your mind on the first relocation, which is why it’s crucial to plan every step of the way with utmost care. And don’t hesitate to hire professionals to help you out. With the help of professionals, you will have more space to deal with other things like finding a job or roommate.

Daisy Wilson

Daisy was born in Salt Lake City and in her free time, she writes about moving and watches Charmed.

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